Who we are
Our Mission
The aim and purpose of our presence in the field of small companion animal care since late 2006 is to provide lifelong continuous education, and self-improvement, by introducing and implementing new techniques and practical methods so that we can provide them optimal, and better quality services on our part towards our beloved four-legged friends.
And to give back as much as possible of what we receive.
As the great leader Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Best regards from the management and other staff
Meet Our Team

Παύλος Κυπριανού
Κτηνίατρος Started in 2006

Ναταλία Κυπριανού
Κτηνίατρος Started in 2006

Στεφανία Γιαννοπούλου
Κτηνίατρος Started in 2023

Τάσος Τσιερκέζος
Κτηνίατρος Started in 2024

Αντζέλα Παιτη
Νοσοκόμα Started in 2023

Ελεονώρα Φιλίππου
Groomer Started in 2024

Έλενα Λούπσα
Γραμματέας Started in 2021